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Computer Coding Lab

Professor: Massimo Ballerini

Course description

In recent times, coding is emerging as a primary skill not only for IT specialists, but also for managers, professionals and researchers in a wide spectrum of fields. Coding is behind artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, smartphone apps, social media, digital movies, videogames and so on. Millennials face for the first time this revolution as they enter universities and the job market: in modern companies and institutions, coding is blended up with every single field of operations. Learning the basics of programming is therefore a valuable chance to develop a new approach to work and technologies.
This course explores the basics and the logic of programming using Python, one of the most widely used programming languages.


The course aims at providing students with the basic elements of the programming language Python. Students will acquire all the basic concepts about the programming process with Python, how to use data structures, and how to import external libraries.
By the end of the course, students will be able to create and present their own running script in Python.


Python 3.x with IDLE

Suggested bibliography

A.Clerici, M.De Pra, M.Debernardi, D.Tosi, Learning Python, Egea, 2019 (to be confirmed)

Reference web links

• Official site: https://www.python.org/
• Official documentation: https://docs.python.org/3/
• Repository of official external modules: https://pypi.org/

The course is an introduction to our university’s interactive and hands-on approach to teaching the BSc in Economics, Management and Computer Science.

Last modified 10/12/2023 - 12:02:08