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Performing Arts Night

A night entirely dedicated to performing arts performances!

Introduces: prof. Alex Turrini, Director MSc. in Economics and Management of Arts, Culture, Media and entertainment and member of the Arts and Humanities Coordination Committee.

At 7:30pm

Guidance Recital

Held in English

GuiDance’s showcase is a little journey inside the journey. Moving from the barre to the center, the students will showcase the skills and technique they have studied with Marco and Beatrice. Because GuiDance is focused on learning ballet basics but is also about fun, self assertion and feeling beautiful, the music we chose range from typical ballet-class music to … some pop surprise! The last part of the showcase will have Beatrice Carbone, soloist dancer at La Scala theater, dance “L’Uno di Due”, original work that Marco Pelle created on her in 2008 and that was later performed by dancers of New York Theater Ballet, American Ballet Theater and Washington Ballet.

Watch the video!

At 8pm

Step by step towards Theatre

Held in English

Didactic performance conducted by some of the participants in the theater course promoted by Campus Life in collaboration with Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi, including improvisations and theater games that will resemble the characters from “Peter and Alice” di John Logan.


Director and professor of theatrical direction at the Paolo Grassi School / Regista e professore di regia teatrale alla Civica scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi

Watch the video!

At 9pm

Fahrenheit 451 di Ray Bradbury

Held in Italian

“Svuota i teatri, Chiudi i cinema. Non vorrai che la gente si metta a chiacchierare dopo aver visto uno spettacolo. Che la gente se ne stia per conto suo. Uccidi Amleto.”

Un futuro distopico in cui i vigili del fuoco bruciano i libri. Un tempo in cui la televisione domina la società. Un mondo in cui la cultura è bandita.

Il vigile del fuoco Montag affronta il suo personale viaggio di autocoscienza e liberazione grazie alle strane domande di Clarisse e alla guida del Capitano Beatty che in lui rivive la sua crisi giovanile.

Il finale nel bosco degli uomini libro riporta finalmente nelle vite di Montag e Clarisse la luce del mattino e la speranza nel futuro.

Cast of Characters:

Montag  Gabriele Bondanza
Beatty  Giuseppe Fresa
Black  Matteo Cassinis
Clarisse  Vittoria Gemiti
Mildred  Martina Achilli
Sig.ra Hudson Asia Minuti
Faber  Niccolò Asciutto
Alice  Ilaria Adami
Aristotele  Celeste Collevecchio
Speaker  Giorgio Baldini

Gruppo Teatro Studenti Bocconi;

Directed by Marco Brambini

Watch the video!

Check out the poster of the night!

For more information: campuslife@unibocconi.it

Last modified 28/06/2023 - 09:28:54