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Internships and Covid-19: Instructions for the hosting organization

As regards internships and Green Pass requirement at the workplace from October 15th, Companies shall refer to the Italian Law Decree no. 127/2021 and subsequent. In this case, interns are compared to employees and, therefore, subject to such obligation.

Please, note that the Law Decree 24 December 2021 n. 221 has extended the Covid-19 state of emergency until March 31st, 2022.

With reference to the Ministerial Decree (DPCM) of March 2nd, 2021, internship experiences can start/continue under the conditions agreed with the host institutions, which are also responsible for interventions to protect health and safety in the workplace (according to the legislative decree, DLGS 81/2008).

In particular, with reference to artt. 6 and 30 of the aforementioned Ministerial Decree, if required by the emergency state, we invite you:
- to favour ways of carrying out internships from remote, with the aim of minimizing the movement of trainees and to protect their safety.
- to apply anti-contagion security protocols in favour of the trainees

Internship modality

Internships can be carried out according to one of the following modalities:

  • in-presence internship
  • blended modality internship (remote/in-presence)
  • remote internship (if required by the law)

Activating an internship in an entirely remote mode may be possible where the company allows its workers to work from home. In-person or blended modes should be adopted only if the contingent situation allows, to guarantee the intern has direct experience with the company.

To activate a new internship, the hosting organization communicates the chosen modality by completing the "Internship modality" field of the educational project on the JobGate portal.

Other indications can be provided in the “Expected timetable” field: for example, if it will be scheduled every other week or every other day for the blended mode.

If the modality needs to change during the internship, it can be reported through JobGate in the "Internship duration changes" section of "My internships."
After the change has been entered, the intern confirms the request entered by the hosting organization in the portal, then the University assesses and approves it. Any further changes must be communicated again. This virtual agreement mode, through which consent may be granted, has the status of addendum to the internship agreement.        

Change of duration: suspension, postponement, interruption

In the event of an internship change of duration occurring during the internship, please follow the following instructions.

Suspending an internship

Should the trainee and the hosting institution agree on a temporary interruption period, the University would not apply the limits related to the overall duration of temporary interruptions (as a rule, maximum 1 month). The hosting institution must notify the University of the period of suspension through JobGate, in the "My internships" area, "Status variation" section, indicating the reasons. The trainee will accept the request on the portal and lastly the University will approve it. This virtual agreement, through which consent may be granted, has the status of addendum to the internship agreement. Any additional period of temporary interruption must be communicated to the University. Temporary interruptions can be made up at the end of the internship through an extension to be requested by the hosting institution via JobGate in the “Status variation” section.

Postponing an internship

Should the trainee and the hosting institution agree on a delayed starting date for an internship already submitted on JobGate, the hosting institution must communicate any new dates to the Internship Office at the contacts indicated here (http://bit.ly/StageBocconi). 

Interrupting an internship

If the hosting institution is unable to move forward with the internship for reasons related to the Covid-19 emergency, after assessing the possibility of switching to teleworking mode or adopting one of the modalities proposed above, it can go ahead with an interruption of the internship.

The hosting institution must notify the interruption to the University through JobGate, in the "My internships" area, "Status variation" section, indicating the reasons and the last day of the internship. The trainee will accept the request made on the portal by the hosting institution and lastly the University will approve it. 

Protocollo aziendale prevenzione Covid-19

For the activation of a new internship, for both curricular and extracurricular internships in Lombardy Region, the hosting institution must declare to Bocconi University that the “Protocollo aziendale prevenzione Covid-19” (or the Operative Instructions on Security possibly integrated in the Company’s DVR) applies also to trainees. The hosting institution must tick the related flag when completing the Internship Agreement on JobGate portal.

What to do if a trainee is tested positive for Covid-19 during an internship

Here below are some operational indications on how to proceed in case of a trainee personally involved or came into direct contact with a person tested positive for Covid-19 with respect to the managing of an internship.
We remind to the Host institution that the trainee has to be treated exactly as one of its workers and that Covid-19 security protocol (Protocollo aziendale prevenzione Covid-19) must applies to the trainee.

The trainee is tested positive for Covid-19 during the internship
If the internship is taking place in presence or in blended modality (presence/distance), and the trainee's health conditions allow it, it is possible to continue the internship remotely without any interruptions during the trainee's isolation period.
If the trainee’s health conditions do not allow a remote internship, it is possible to temporarily suspend it, and the Host institution can recover the suspension with an extension.
If the trainee came across with people of the Host institution, actions must be taken in accordance with Covid-19 security protocol (Protocollo aziendale prevenzione Covid-19); in fact, we remind that the trainee has to be treated exactly as one of the Host institution’s workers, with respect to health and safety in the workplace.

The trainee is tested positive for Covid-19 and is not able to start the internship
It is possible to start the internship remotely, if the trainee’s health conditions allow it and, eventually, to continue the internship in presence. If the trainee’s health conditions do not allow it, it is possible to postpone the start of the internship.

The trainee is undergoing a quarantine period because he was in close contact with a person tested positive
If the internship is taking place in presence or in blended modality, it is possible to switch to a remote internship until the end of the quarantine period.

The trainee is undergoing a quarantine period because he is awaiting to be tested
Also in this case, depending on the trainee's health conditions, it is possible to continue the internship remotely, without any suspensions, or to suspend it for the necessary time.

Suspensions and changes to the internship modalities must be:
1. notified by the Host institution through JobGate, in the “My internships” area, “Status variation” section, as soon as possible;
2. confirmed by the trainee;
3. approved by the University;

Internship Office contacts

Internships outside Italy

Internships outside Italy can start under the conditions agreed between the intern and the hosting institution, according to the provisions set out by national competent authorities in terms of public health and safety and upon the advice of Bocconi University.

Please note that, for travel to and from Italy, trainees are bound by the travel measures of the Prime Minister Decree (DPCM) of 7 August 2020 Spostamenti da e per l’estero and subsequent dispositions. These students can either start a remote internship (staying in Italy) or start an onsite internship outside Italy only after the end of the travel restrictions set out by the national authorities. Students must verify regulatory provisions set out by foreign national authorities on travel restrictions to enter the foreign country where the internship will take place, and on current travel restrictions in that country.

For all internships outside Italy, before the start of the internship, interns must confirm they have read the "Relieve from responsibility" document, declaring they are aware that the University is unable to guarantee the safety and solvency of the institution and the country in which they freely decided to carry out the internship.

Some destinations may require an additional document to be signed. If the intern fails to confirm online and/or sign the "Relieve from responsibility of the intern," the internship cannot be started.

Last modified 11/05/2022 - 10:52:14