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Language Center

Contacts and Opening Hours changes

Where we are: Via Gobbi, 5 (3rd floor), 20136 Milano

Director: Dott. Alberto Clerici

Services and Site
Contacts and Opening Hours

Administrative Office
(Room 305)

The Administrative Office is currently closed to the public.
You can contact us through B in Touch procedure, available in the yoU@B Diary.

Opening Hours changes
(Administrative Office)


Language Lab 
(Room 302)

The Language Lab will be open on Monday and Thursday as follows:

  • MONDAY: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm 
  • THURSDAY: 10:00 to 1:00 pm

Opening Hours changes
(Language Lab)

On Thursday 25 April 2024 the Language Lab will be closed for national holiday.

Bocconi students and graduates have to contact the Language Center only by using the B in Touch procedure, available in the yoU@B Student Diary.

Those who do not have the credentials for accessing the yoU@B Student Diary can write an e-mail to: uatb@unibocconi.it 

Only for external user: form online

Last modified 19/04/2024 - 11:22:06