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Students Representative Elections

Student representative elections for the Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi of Milan in the following university collegial bodies have been announced:
  • Faculty Council
  • Department Council
  • School Council
  • University Sport Committee
  • ISU Bocconi Steering Committee

In addition to these, the election of a three-member group in which the Board of the Friends of Bocconi Association designates the student representative in the Università Bocconi Luigi Bocconi University Board has also been announced.

Elections will take place on the following days: 26 May (from 9:00am to 7:00pm) and 27 May 2009 (from 9:00am to 2:30pm).

Elections are regulated by the Regulations for the election of student representatives available on the University website at the address Statute and Regulations.

Parties and individual candidates must be registered by the party representative, by filling out the proper form with the following information, to be picked up and turned in to the Student Administration Office:

a)name of the party;

b)individual candidatures by those same candidates.

At that time the representative must insert a single name of a non-nominated student to place as a controller for the polling place. The candidature of one student at an election is compatible with the candidature of that student in every other election for the same or a different party.

For each election announced at the University at that time, signatures for support of the party of candidates must reach a minimum number of 30 for the School Council, and 100 for the all other elections.

Signatures for support of the lists of party candidates will be carried out through automatic procedures at the self service Punto Blu terminals. The IT procedure for adding signatures will be open from 20 April 2009 at 9:00am to 4 May 2009 at 12:00pm.

After this deadline expires, the same IT procedure will automatically annul added signatures in conflict with the rules of Regulation as well as candidates without the minimum number of valid signatures (for example: signatures for support of parties present for different elections, without the same denomination may be annulled).

Each student can make a signature for support for only one party for each election in which he or she has the right to active electorate. No student may revoke a signature for support of a party or a candidate that has already been carried out. No student can support more than one party for the same election, and multiple added signatures in violation of this prohibition will be invalid. Invalidity of signatures will make it impossible to participate in voting for a party or for the parties and the relative candidates for which the signatures in question were important in collecting a minimum number of signatures for presentation. Candidates withdrawing from a party will not eliminate the supporting signatures for the same party that may have already been added.

The reference date for the assignment of the active and passive electorate is fixed for the date of 22 May 2009 for the active electorate and 4 May 2009 (and in any case at the moment candidates are presented) for the passive electorate.

A central electorate office was created, comprised of:

  • a Full Professor, Prof. Michele Polo,
  • two university administration officials, Mr Roberto Grassi and Mr Ivo Grandis.
Last modified 31/08/2023 - 16:55:50