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Supplementary Activities Guidelines

The Language Center organizes free courses for Bocconi students, specifically

  • Arabic, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese language and culture and for beginners
  • workshops for enhancing students' academic and professional skills in English (Soft Skills Workshops) and learn the basic skills of Italian language (Italian Survival Course)
  • courses preparing for international certificates


Students can enroll only through you@B Student’s Diary, on the “sign-up for various activities” box.  Before signing up, it is advised that students read carefully the courses’ complete calendar in order to avoid possible overlaps with other lessons and activities.

It is possible to cancel one's enrollment within the deadlines that are published online only through the you@B diary. Other cancellation requests are not allowed.

It is not possible to admit students who have not completed the registration accordingly.

Available seats

All activities organized by the Language Center are open to a limited number of Bocconi students enrolled in Bachelor, Masters, PhD programs. Details for each course are published online in the corresponding page.

Enrollment will be confirmed through a message in the you@B Student’s Diary before the courses start.

Attending and obtaining attendance certificate

Courses do not grant any credit or additional points for graduation. There is no exam at the end of the courses.

Students who attend positively a at least 75% of lessons obtain a certificate of attendance. Presences are recorded by the teacher through the Attendance procedure. The code is valid for 10 minutes, at the end of this period the attendance is not considered. 

The Italian Language workshop online (Italian Survival Course) does not require  attendance registration and the certificate of attendance is not provided.


If a student does not attend at least 25% of the total hours of the course*, he/she will be blacklisted. This means preventing from attending courses organized by the Language Center in the same semester and the following one.

Being blacklisted twice, students will be prevented from all courses organized by the Language Center.

*ExceptionsEnglish Soft Skill Workshops require 100% attendance to the single  workshop.

Last modified 21/07/2020 - 13:19:02