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Find your opportunities

The online Platform, updated daily by employers, with internship and placement opportunities in Italy and abroad is accessibile through yoU@B.

The button "Internship and Placement Offers", available on your yoU@B, opens the section where you can browse through:

  • internship and placement offers for positions in Italy and abroad, updated on a daily basis;

  • the “Focus On” box where you can directly access all internship and placement offers included in the various “Focus On” areas. Here you’ll find offers grouped according to specific “topic-based” features (Focus), such as geographical area (e.g. Companies in the Americas, Companies in Asia) and the employer’s industry (e.g. International Organizations, Law firms for legal profiles, Chambers of Commerce, etc.).

There are no specific rules for applying to offers available on JobGate (with the exception of special programs, e.g. Embassy Program and Curricular Internship Special). You just need to apply by following the requirements described within each offer.

Please remember that:

  • there is no limit to the number of applications you can submit
  • you can apply to offers belonging to different Focus On areas.

Please note that the International Internship Programs no longer exist. 

Special Internship Opportunities
Two special collections of opportunities are also available on your yoU@B. Please check the specific rules contained in the each Program below.


Curricular Internship Special

Last modified 05/12/2023 - 10:56:04