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Student-Faculty Joint Teaching Committees

The Student-Faculty Joint Teaching Committees (CPDS) are bodies of the QA system of Italian universities playing the role of monitoring the quality and the conditions of teaching within Degree Programs as well as the support that faculty members provide to students.

The action of the CPDS is carried out both through the analysis of the Degree Program’s performance indicators and through the collection of information and remarks from the students enrolled on them. This activity flows into an annual report, which contains comments and improvement proposals concerning essential aspects of the educational processes, such as: teaching and assessment methods adopted, materials and learning aids used, contribution provided by the faculty members, classrooms, labs and other infrastructure provided for teaching (equipment, digital and technical tools, etc.).

At Bocconi there are currently seven CPDS, organized in such a way that each one groups a cluster of Degree Programs, which are similar in terms of subjects and/or vertically linked. Each CPDS is structured by assuring the presence of one faculty member and one student for each Degree Program of reference (with the exception of the Integrated Master of Arts in Law and CYBER, whose CPDS is made up of 2 faculty members and 2 students belonging to the Program).

The CPDS annual reports are drawn up separately for each Degree Program and sent to the University Evaluation Unit, the Quality Assurance Committee and the Degree Program Directors, for their respective areas of competence. The Program Directors, in particular, are asked to take into consideration the indications and proposals contained therein in order to define improvement plans for the future.


Last modified 31/08/2023 - 15:26:32