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Study Abroad

Study abroad is a learning experience that extends far beyond the classroom walls. Nothing can compete with living and studying in a foreign country if you really want to get to know another culture's way of life and language. You will also find that time spent abroad canprovide you with the kind of transnational skills that future employers will greatly appreciate.

Personal Growth

After studying abroad students often report back that first hand contact with new and sometimes different ways of thinking and living have helped them to grow in awareness and understanding. This happens especially in cases where going abroad to study has been the first time they have really been away from 'home,' from their country, friends and family. It may not always be an easy experience, but it is definitely worthwhile, in some cases, life-transforming.

Academic Enrichment

Study abroad is academically enriching because it gives you not only the chance to explore new areas of knowledge, perhaps taking courses that are unavailable at your home University, but also to focus on subjects that can offer a more rounded experience when studied in another country. It also means opening your mind to new teaching methodologies and techniques, and strengthening your grasp of political, social, economic and legal issues in an international context.

Career Enhancement

Employers are increasingly keen to recruit students who have studied abroad. They know that if you have successfully completed a study abroad program you are likely to possess international know-how and often second-language skills. You are also likely to have other qualities that are valued just as highly: cross-cultural communication and analytical skills, sensitivity and open-mindedness towards local habits and customs, adaptability to new circumstances and the ability to deal constructively with differences.

Last modified 05/12/2023 - 17:23:22